EA opens consultation on charge proposal

The Environment Agency has opened its consultation on reforming its charges for regulatory and non-regulatory work.

As we reported earlier this month, the EA has indicated that its fees may rise significantly to reflect the true cost of delivering its services following the recently undertaken Strategic Review of Charges (SRoC).

The EA has given an initial indication of some of its proposed new charges with some fees rising significantly – a Standard Permit with Fire Prevention Plan could increase by 140% and a bespoke MRF application by over 350%. Similar increases to annual subsistence charges are also proposed.

Wiser Environment encourages all clients to have their say. The consultation is open from today until 12th January 2018 with new charges coming into force from April 2018.

Visit the consultation website.

If you would further information about the likely implications of the increased charges for your business or would like support in responding to the consultation, call us on 01480 462 232.

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